Han's CV

This page was last updated on September 1, 2023.

Work experience

(2023 - present) Full Stack Developer at New Nexus Software Solutions

I work as a full stack developer at New Nexus Software Solutions in Haren.

(2020 - 2023) Scientist Innovator at TNO

I work in projects with applications in several industries involving data sharing and interoperability.


(2019 - 2020) PhD student at Utrecht University

I worked in the QuAnGIS project.

The focus of my work was to be able to describe the usability of geo-data sources for answering questions in human geography. These descriptions should be processable by a machine, so that question answering can be automated.


(2018 - 2019) Data scientist / Developer at Belsimpel

At Belsimpel, I contributed to multiple things in a really nice team. I started working on the in-house A/B testing system that I helped turn into a mature system. I also worked on visual analytics and predictive analysis for the back office portal.

Before starting at Belsimpel, I had no experience with PHP (the language used there) at all, but the working environment allowed me to quickly learn and grow into a position where I was responsible for important technical parts of the company.

I enjoyed utilizing software engineering practices like code reviews, issue trackers, scheduling releases, and testing.


(2017) Research internship at VMware

I spent the Summer of 2017 at VMware Research in Palo Alto, California. Apart from excellent sightseeing and many road trips, I spent time working on Hillview, a big data spreadsheet. My focus was on visualisation, and the aim was to integrate dimensionality reduction methods into Hillview.


(2016 - 2017) PhD student at University of Groningen

I did research on data visualisation. Specifically, I focused on using dimensionality reduction to visualise datasets.

One of the projects I worked on was to apply dimensionality reduction techniques to the problem of graph layouts. This resulted in tsNET.

Another project involved navigating through large high-dimensional datasets.

I made my first contribution to established open-source software during this time.


  • Python
  • C


(2014 - 2016) Computing Science MSc at University of Groningen

During my master's, I was very interested in modelling, simulation, and visualisation.

I made a (retrospectively not very pretty) visualisation of a model of Kapitza's pendulum.

I also made a demonstration of a force-directed graph drawing method, because I was intrigued by this.

In 2016, I graduated with honours!


  • MATLAB / GNU Octave
  • C/C++
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • TensorFlow

(2013 - 2014) Computing Science pre-MSc at University of Groningen

Because I switched to Computing Science, I had to catch up by following a few courses.

(2010 - 2013) Physics BSc at University of Groningen

My favourite courses were Mechanics and Relativity, and Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods.

I did a minor in Computing Science, which drove me to persue a master's degree in Computing Science afterwards.


  • MATLAB / GNU Octave
  • C